2024 Volunteer List
Below is a list of the volunteers for 2024 that have been approved by the Board of Directors. In order to be a volunteer, a volunteer application must be completed. Volunteer forms are managed via JD Palatine, the Little League approved vendor.
Names with an * have a non-player minor that has also been approved as a volunteer.
For privacy reasons, minors will not be included in this list.
This list was last updated on April 24, 2024.
Acevedo, Miranda | Hutchings, Jeffrey | Rozek, Nathan |
Anders, Joshua | Keyser, Jacob | Saenz, Alexis |
Anders, Shavona | Keyser, Trevor | Saenz, Dana |
Bank, Ryan | King, James | Santiago, Nicole |
Baruth, Meghan | Kniebbe, Kevin | Scheuerlein, Eric |
Bauer, Melissa | Korbein, Richard | Scheuerlein, Jessica |
Belliveau, Steve | Kramer, Thomas | Schlaff, Scott |
Binder, Eli | Krawczak, Gregory | Schramke, Todd |
Boehm, Jerry | Krueger, Randy | Scott, Craig |
Boylan, Charles | Larson, Kyle | Scott, Emily |
Carroll, Damarkis | Little II, Kevin | Severance, Kristin |
Castillo, Lorenzo | Logan, Aaron | Simons, Amy |
Conley, Michael | Mason, Jeff | Skutt, Garrick |
Connolly, Rachel | Mason, Leeandra | Spaulding, Bryan |
Connolly, Thomas | McAllister, Kayla | Stricklin, Alexandra |
Connolly, Tom | McCauley, Adam | Stricklin, John |
Crabtree, Gregory | McColgan, Monique | Swarthout, Regan |
Darr, Rachel | Miller, Seth | Thomas, Ashleigh |
Donnenwerth, Brian | Modlin, Benjamin | Trepkowski, Heidi |
Faubert, Benjamin | Montalbano, Scott | Trevino, Cynthia |
Feldt, Ryan | Neetz, Robert | Trevino, Luis |
Ferguson, Coyunna | Ochoa, Richard | Turner, Jeff |
Ferrio, Seth | Otto, Christopher | Turner, Jonathan |
Flores, Carlos | Partlow, Ryan | Vaiz, Ruben |
Friedman, Eric | Pickelman, Jonathan | VanNortwick, Alicia |
Fritz, Brian | Pilling, Lindsey | Vervinck, Micheal |
Fulton, Jared | Polzin, Nathan | Weaver, Charles |
Goidosik, Amanda | Popp, Jamie | Whyte, Jenna |
Goidosik, Erik | Priebe, Michael | Wilson, Timothy |
Gorney, Kyle | Rasmussen, Matthew | Wingard, TeAaron |
Hendrick, Kelly | Reaves, Ashley | Winke, Laurie |
Hibbs, Stephanie | Reinke, REO | Wrobel, Austin |
Hillier, Josh | Rozek, Kristin | Yang, Sumi |
Howard, Tom | | |